Project results


Journal issue Mobile Culture Studies. The Journal 6/2020: Travel Writing: On the Interplay between Text and the Visual / Reisebilder - Bilderreisen: Zum Zusammenspiel von Text und Bild im Reisebericht

edited by Sandra Vlasta and Birgit Englert

Flyer Travel Writing MCS 2020

Available fully open access here








Chapter "Le descrizoni di opere d'arte come critica sociale e formazione d'identita' in Pictures from Italy (1846) di Charles Dickens e Italienisches Bilderbuch (1847) di Fanny Lewald" in Alexandra Vranceanu Pagliardini/Angelo Pagliardini (eds.): (De)scrivere Roma nell'Ottocento: alla ricerca del Museo delle radici culturali europee (Berlin: Peter Lang 2020), 31-44.






Chapter "Hester Lynch Piozzis Reisebericht Observations and Reflections Made in the Course of a Journey Through France, Italy and Germany (1789) – Kulturvermittlung, Positionierung und Gattungsinnovation" in Marina Ortrud M. Hertrampf (ed.): Femmes de lettres - Europäische Autorinnen des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts (Berlin: Frank & Timme 2020), 223-239.

click here for the book's TOC






Article on literary journeys to Italy, published in EGO (Europäische Geschichte Online). Click here for the article (in German).


Guest Editor (with Leena Eilittä/Helsinki) of CompLit: Journal of European Literature, Arts and Society, Vol. 1, No. 2/2020, on travel writing, cultural exchange and identity construction (in preparation).
Click here for the expose'.







Guest editor (with Birgit Englert/Vienna) of Mobile Culture Studies. The Journal No. 06/2020 on the interplay between text and the visual in travel writing (in preparation). Click here for the CFP (in English)!

CFP Deutsch

CFP Français

CFP Italiano





Paper on Hester Lynch Piozzi's travelogue Observations and Reflections Made in the Course of a Journey Through France, Italy and Germany (1789) at the conference Femmes de Lettres. Wiederentdeckungen und Neulektüren europäischer Autorinnen des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts, Humboldt University Berlin, 5-6 September 2019.

Chapter "Hester Lynch Piozzis Reisebericht Observations and Reflections Made in the Course of a Journey Through France, Italy and Germany (1789) – Kulturvermittlung, Positionierung und Gattungsinnovation" published in Marina Ortrud M. Hertrampf (ed.): Femmes de lettres. Wiederentdeckungen und Neulektüren europäischer Autorinnen des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts (Berlin: Frank & Timme 2020), 223-239.




Paper "Intertextuality in travel writing from the late 18th century - Karl Philipp Moritz's Reisen eines Deutschen in England im Jahre 1782 (Journeys of a German in England. A Walking Tour of England in 1782; translated in 1795)", given at the Borders and Crossings Conference 2019, University of Leicester, 4-6 July 2019.









Podcast for the Centre for Travel Writing Studies podcast series with Dr Rebecca Butler (Nottingham Trent University) on, amongst others, the creation of national and international identities through travel writing, and how the study of travel writing provides opportunity to cross into and between other literary genres.

Paper on the use and function of multilingualism in 19th century travel writing at the lunchtime Research Forum of the Cross Cultural Circa Nineteenth Century Research Centre at the University of St Andrews, March 6th 2019.

Research paper: "'I must know put my own language skills to the text' (Goethe, Italian Journey) - Form and Function of Multilingualism in Travel Writing 1780 - 1850" at the English Research Seminar Series at Nottingham Trent University, February 20, 2019.

Conference paper:"Le descrizioni di opere d'arte come critica sociale e formazione d'identità in Pictures from Italy (1846) di Charles Dickens e Italienisches Bilderbuch (1847) di Fanny Lewald" at the conference (De)scrivere Roma nell'Ottocento: alla ricerca del museo delle radici culturali europee (Describing Rome in the 19th century: searching for the museum of European cultural roots), April 12-13 2018, Istituto Storico Austriaco a Roma and Accademia di Romania in Roma


Preliminary studies:
- "'Die Engländer sind eine Plage‘. Der Blick auf (andere) Italienreisende in Reiseberichten von Fanny Lewald und Charles Dickens", in: Julia Danielczyk, Murray Hall, Christine Hermann, Sandra Vlasta (eds.): Zurück in die Zukunft – Digitale Medien, historische Buchforschung und andere komparatistische Abenteuer. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2016, 321-328.
- "'Wie froh bin ich, dass nunmehr die geliebte Sprache lebendig wird' - Form and Function of Multilingualism in travel writing 1800-1850"; paper at the 21st world congress of the International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA), University of Vienna (Austria), July 2016.
- "Reisen und davon erzählen. Reiseberichte und Reiseliteratur in der Literaturwissenschaft", in: 9 (2015) (online publication, open access)